Misinformation is everywhere, so why isn't fact checking?
We see so much information in a single day. How could you possibly research and verify everything you see? The Nuance browser extension crowd-sources information to give you important context when you need, where you need it.
Anyone can add a helpful note to any website
Notes need a source and a brief description of how it adds context.
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This process is surprisingly accurate with enough participants, and effectively weeds out the worst of the notes.
Jumpstart the research process
Find valuable information from diverse sources much faster than you would have on your own.
Nuance Notification
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Notes Side Panel
The notes you see add important context, with the notes rated highest by users at the top.
Rating a Note
The notes you see add important context, with the notes rated highest by users at the top.
Rating Details
You can analyze why other users rated a note helpful or unhelpful.
Harassment Warning
If many users report a note then it will be flagged and reviewed by a paid moderator.
Unusual Voting Warning
Unusual voting behavior is usually a sign of groups coordinating votes to manipulate the system.